@aqswed: I was talking about documented papal succession and transfer of power/appointments from bishop to bishop, the documents go back far but cannot be definitively established although yes, the Roman Catholic Church can trace documented existence, there are other churches (eg Ethiopian) claim the same that have slightly stronger extant evidence although also not unbroken.
As far as the Russelite movement vs Jehovah’s Witness claim to apostolic succession, the question was what signature would allow us to trace it in history. JWs cannot establish any teaching that would make it unique enough to be traced, would there be a sect that held the end to come in 1914, rejected the cross and divinity of Christ, that would be a signature. I’m looking for a small group like the Freemasons, Knights Templar or others that have sporadically popped up in history and align with modern JW teachings. Russell himself held to the Christian faith and the first and second schism has existing groups that still hold to the cross and the divinity of Christ, the third schism has a number of JW-like groups that also reject the divinity of Christ and the cross. So JWs need, if they want to claim apostolic succession to trace their lineage, first of all reject Russell as they did his teachings. Then we can find others (Mormons etc) that would likewise be JW-adjacent over time, but you can’t go much further than early 1800s.